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History Center

28 N. Main Street
Open to the public
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Located in the two-story historic home of Civil War surgeon, Dr. Henry Janes, the Waterbury Historical Society History Center contains documents, photos, and artifacts from Waterbury's rich history in such areas as manufacturing, public service, farming, medicine, education, tourism, and transportation.


All visitors and researchers are invited to take self-guided tours of our exhibits during municipal business hours. The museum can be accessed by entering through the main doors of the complex and turning right, passing through the Town Offices. Ask at the front desk for accessibility to the second floor. Special Saturday open house events are also offered throughout the year. To arrange a visit outside of municipal hours, send an email to


WHS is here first and foremost to tell the story of the people of Waterbury. Volunteers and donors are the backbone and lifeblood of our society. Without such folks, the Waterbury story would be incomplete. Your support matters.

Let's get local history into everyone’s hands and hearts!


Collections Scope & How to Donate

Adopted by Waterbury Historical Society, March 27, 2017.
Adopted by Waterbury Selectboard, September 18, 2017.


The Waterbury Historical Society collection consists of three-dimensional artifacts, documents, published materials, photographs, films, audio recordings, and digital files that illuminate the history of the Town of Waterbury, Vermont. Collection items should be made in Waterbury, have a strong connection to the town, and document one or more of the following themes:

  • prominent residents

  • local families

  • civic and professional groups

  • local businesses

  • industries

  • agriculture

  • historic buildings/architectural features

  • local events

Dr Janes_edited.jpg

Dr. Henry Janes Collection

The WHS collection includes artifacts, documents and other materials related to or directly from Dr. Henry Janes, Civil War Surgeon. Any action concerning the Dr. Janes collection will take into consideration his last will and testament, dated October 26, 1912. Any provisions in the collections policy for loaning or deaccessioning artifacts, documents and other material shall not pertain to the Dr. Janes collection. 

The collection of Dr. Janes shall not leave the Municipal Building.

donation criteria

acquisition criteria & procedure

The Society and the Town of Waterbury seek to collect: (1) items related to filling gaps identified in the collection; and (2) items that have the potential for future historical interest.

Have something you would like to gift to our collection? Does the item meet the criteria below? If the answer is yes to both questions, please download the Temporary Custody Form and bring this form and your item(s) to the History Center during operating hours.


Items missing proper documentation or left without meeting with a History Center staff member or volunteer will not be accepted into the collection and will be removed to the trash. Questions? Please email our Collections Manager.


Item should be relevant to and consistent with the Society's mission and scope of collection.


Item should fill a unique gap in the collection. WHS does not acquire items that duplicate existing holdings.

(Check if we already have the item in our online catalog.)


Items are accepted only if the intent is to officially add them to the collection. The Society keeps items as long as they retain their physical integrity, authenticity, and relevance to the mission.


Items should be obtained free and clear through the form of a deed of gift, with no doubt as to legality of the item's ownership or origin.


Items should be obtained free and clear of any restrictions as to their use, display, or future disposition, with the exception of extraordinary cases approved by the Board.


Items must be in good physical condition and should not require extensive conservation.


Items shall be transferred to the Town with all pertinent literary rights, property rights, copyrights, patents, or trademarks.


Items should be gifted in compliance with applicable tax law and subject to applicable review or audit.

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Waterbury Historical Society 

PO Box 708

28 North Main Street

Waterbury, VT 05676

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